Monday, April 25, 2016

Hard Fact About Being Employed

This day I came to realize how employees can be so expendable. Sad to say but a good friend which I have known for her dedication to the company need to exit. Employed for years in the company, she's been here and there on some of the supervisory position, she helps build people within the company. Imparted her knowledge and skills to her co-employees. She seem to be a perfect employee, however for some business reason, they let her go. A sad fact for all employee out there, take note that no mater how good our standing is at the present, still we are not in control. When the business needs to do what it need to do for the sake of keeping the business then they can just let you go.

For all the employees out there, one simple thing that we need to do is be financially prepared. 


Take note that the real fear of not being financially prepared is not the money it self.  We are not pertaining to the luxury that one can get when we have money or the wants the one can buy. Being financially prepared gets one ready when life crisis like the example above happens. It satisfy the need for us to continue providing for our love ones who depends on us. It simply gives us the peace of mind thus ease the emotional aspect and let us concentrate looking for a new career without the much pressure.

Now, you might be wondering where to do and where to start with your financial plan.

One thing I can suggest is to get in touch with financial experts that can help you develop a safe and sound personalize financial plan that would work for your needs and life goals.

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