Thursday, April 28, 2016

Small Steps for Big Goals

Just the other day while am waiting for the time, I just drop by some random computer shop to finish my blog. I was so dame serious then thinking about what topic to write when all of a sudden some random young lady sat beside me and made my day better. She reminded me about the importance of what I do, that despite hardship of sharing the gospel of finance, someone out there believes and dreams of having a better tomorrow through the financial market. At first I thought it just some typical customer who visit the computer shop to do Facebook or maybe to play a games but what made me happy was, her going over her COL Financial website (online stock broker in the Philippines). It was fun talking to her, she was happy sharing her experience where she was able to double her money in just a span 4 months. From here original P5,000.00 she earned P4,000.00. In my mind she's lucky as a starter (lol). Which she admits that she was. Any way, the point there is;

1. Invest early 

Starting early means a more time for her to learn and get used to the financial world. The earlier she is expose to the financial market the more she learns the do's and don'ts. The more she increase her skills to make her money work for her (passive income). It also means more time for her money to earn.

2. Start small

In investing, I want to emphasize the importance of starting small for various reasons;
- irregardless of how big or small, what matter is the habit and fun of appropriating portion of your hard earned money for the future.
- investing comes with risk, where the higher the reward means the higher the risk thus the other way around.
- investing small gives one a chance to adopt and be prepared for the greater risk and rewards that one can achieve. 
- not everybody have the huge amount of money to invest thus, to encourage the ones that don't have much yet.

These two are just some point to ponder why we need to start early and start small.

Well again if you want to start your small step with your financial goals. Don't experiment, get with a trusted financial adviser. Take note that your dreams can be achieved through through proper guidance and with the right system.

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